WT Group team members earn California architectural licenses

October 10, 2023

For much of 2022, WT Group Project Architects Matthew Ackerman and Christopher Pacanowski were California Dreamin’, although not in the same vein as the classic, 1960s ballad. They were preparing for one of the nation’s most challenging architectural licensing examinations – the California Architects Board (CAB) Supplemental Exam. Earlier this year, both Matt and Chris successfully completed the grueling test, earning licenses to practice in the Golden State.

While any state’s architectural licensing exams will necessarily address an array of regulatory issues, what may surprise some out-of-staters seeking California licenses is that the sheer bulk of administrative questions exceeds those related to traditional structural topics. The difficulty level of the exam is evident in a passing rate for non-California residents of about 54% based on CAB data, making success a significant achievement for outsiders who take on the challenge.

Chris Pacanowski

“It caught me by surprise,” said Chris. “While the exam covered most of the same architectural issues as tests in other states, a significant number of questions had nothing to do with structural issues. Environmental and other essentially bureaucratic questions outnumbered those on the engineering side.”

“Many of the questions about energy efficiency, accessibility and other regulatory aspects of building performance went well beyond the typical engineering issues,” Matt agreed. “We knew it was going to be a hard test going in, which is why we appreciated the support WT Group gave us throughout the process.”

Balancing work, family and study time

Matt Ackerman

Preparing for a test of the complexity and scope of California’s architectural licensing exam can be a strain on both professional and personal time. Ordinarily, many late nights and weekends would be devoted to the objective, sacrificing significant blocks of time with family members and friends. While both Chris and Matt spent their share of late nights and weekends in preparation, WT Group provided days off, half-days a couple of times each week and other accommodations to help them maintain the quality of work and family time without burning out.

“The company went out of its way to make sure we had the time to study for this challenging examination,” Chris said. “Obviously, WT Group wanted us to attain these licenses not only for our professional development but also to expand opportunities in California. So, they went the extra mile to help us maintain a healthy work-life balance as we prepared for the test."

“That was really a testament to WT Group’s commitment to helping team members balance their professional and personal lives even in the face of a demanding study schedule.” Matt said. “It was hard, but it was well worth the trip.”

Expanding horizons

WT Group will not be the only entity to benefit from having two team members fully accredited to deliver architectural and design work in California. So will future clients.

“Some of the most important benefits will be for any multi-state, multi-site clients who may not be based in California but who may have sites there,” Matt said. “Having California licenses will mean that we will be better able to respond to the needs of such clients. Also, if a business contracts with us here in Illinois for work to be done in California, their costs will likely be lower.”

Both professionals understandably share a profound sense of pride – and more than a little relief – in having successfully completed a grueling examination process. And they also share a sense of excitement about what’s ahead.

“It’s personally fulfilling to see projects I’ve worked on completed in other states,” Chris added. “When I travel, I like to spend at least some time exploring the cultural character of an area to try to better understand the aesthetics of different regions. It’s important for architecture to reflect some kind of community connection.”

“I’ve always found it exciting to see projects I’ve worked on come to fruition in another state,” said Matt. “Gaining a California license will expand my own horizons and was well worth the effort.”